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Grade 3

Health and Physical Education

How to Use These Resources

TVO Learn is designed to meet each student where they are on their learning journey. Learning Activities are comprehensive and require guided instruction from an adult, while Resources for Learning, Apply the Learning prompts and Vocabulary lists work well to reinforce specific skills or to enable independent exploration of a subject. Use these helpful tips to get the most from TVO Learn.

Curriculum Overview

The health and physical education program for Grade 3 focuses on the
foundational knowledge and skills that students will need in order to support mental health and well-being, develop physical and health literacy, and acquire the commitment and capacity to lead healthy, active lives. Through participating in health and physical education in the classroom and gymnasium, out of doors, in schoolyards and school gardens, and in the community, students learn to make healthy active living a part of everyday life.

The expectations for health and physical education are organized into four distinct but related strands:

  • Social-Emotional Learning Skills
  • Active Living
  • Movement Competence: Skills, Concepts, and Strategies
  • Healthy Living

Interested in learning more? View Curriculum
For French resources, please visit idello.org

Learning Activities

Learning Activities provide opportunity for deeper exploration of a subject. Learning Activities provide opportunity for deeper exploration of a subject. Organized by grade and topic (or strand), students should be guided through each Learning Activity by an adult. Before clicking on a topic to prepare for or begin this guided instruction, be sure to read these helpful tips about how to get the most out of TVO Learn.

Learning Activities provide opportunity for deeper exploration of a subject. Learning Activities provide opportunity for deeper exploration of a subject. Organized by grade and topic (or strand), students should be guided through each Learning Activity by an adult. Before clicking on a topic to prepare for or begin this guided instruction, be sure to read these helpful tips about how to get the most out of TVO Learn.

Learning Activities
Almost there!

To access this learning activity, please visit this page in a desktop or tablet browser.

Resources for Learning

Chosen by TVO educators, these resources support the curriculum outlined above. Review the below list of options along with the activities. Then, read, watch, listen or play to build understanding and knowledge.

Please be aware by accessing the resources below you will be leaving TVO Learn and entering other TVO domains that are subject to different privacy policies and terms of use.

Complete the suggested activities using these resources and other TVO resources.

Apply the Learning

Choose from the following to consolidate learning across all curriculum strands.


  • Create a list of examples that illustrate how you can show respect and following rules in your daily life.

  • Think about a variety of physical activities you enjoy. Explain why you like certain physical activities over others.

  • Explain how consistent physical activity can have a positive affect on your overall health.

  • List the ways you can self check your level of exertion during physical exercise. How do you know when it might be time to slow down?

  • If you hit your head accidentally while playing a game with friends outside or on a community team, what would you have to do? List the signs of a concussion we might need to be aware of.
  • Explore different ways you can maintain control of a ball you are move it with your hands or feet.

  • Create a Venn diagram that compares minimally processed foods vs. highly processed foods.

  • Our body image is the way we think and feel about our physical appearance. Having a positive body image can improve our overall health. What are some ways of developing a healthy body image?

  • Having a sense of belonging and of being accepted, understood, and listened to is important for emotional development. How can you show acceptance or understanding of everyone, regardless of shape and size, ability, background, family, skin colour, culture, who they love, or the way they do things?
  • What are some ways your body might show you that you are under stress? What are some things you can do in order to bring calm to your mind and body?
  • List some examples of how you might prepare yourself or your family to respond in an emergency?


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce magna mi, volutpat vitae aliquet nec, auctor quis orci. Sed ultricies est et tempus malesuada. Aliquam nec ante non diam luctus sollicitudin. Ut dignissim non lorem a mattis. Donec scelerisque, lacus non pharetra maximus, est libero tincidunt odio


body image

brain stress response system


cardiorespiratory fitness



cool down



personal goals

physical exertion

environmental impact


physical activity

safety procedures

warm up and cool down

vigorous activity


controlled transitions


locomotor movements

body parts

send and receive




static positions



brain stress response system

body image


healthy relationships

help seeking behaviour

legal/illegal substances

physical development

processed food

oral health

personal safety

allergies and reactions

human development

Canada's Food Guide


social-emotional development

nutritional value

Looking for a Different Subject?

Choose from the options below to explore a different grade 1 subject.