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Grade 3


NOTE: Updates to the Language learning activities are in progress to align with Ontario’s new 2023 Curriculum Documents.

How to Use These Resources

TVO Learn is designed to meet each student where they are on their learning journey. Learning Activities are comprehensive and require guided instruction from an adult, while Resources for Learning, Apply the Learning prompts and Vocabulary lists work well to reinforce specific skills or to enable independent exploration of a subject. Use these helpful tips to get the most from TVO Learn.

Curriculum Overview

Language development is central to students’ intellectual, social, and emotional growth, and should be seen as a key element of the curriculum. The language curriculum is based on the belief that literacy is critical to responsible and productive citizenship. The curriculum is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills they need to achieve this goal.   

For primary students language comes from listening and speaking with others, being read to by adults, and interacting with media texts such as advertisements, television programs, video games, songs, photographs, and films. The expectations for language build upon the prior knowledge and experience that students bring to classrooms from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Real, purposeful talk is not only an essential component of the language curriculum, it needs to be threaded throughout a student’s day and across the curriculum so students are able to make important connections to the real world. 

The language curriculum is divided into four strands:

  • Oral Communication
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Media Literacy

Interested in learning more? View Curriculum PDF
For French resources, please visit idello.org

Learning Activities

Learning Activities provide opportunity for deeper exploration of a subject. Organized by grade and topic (or strand), students should be guided through each Learning Activity by an adult. Before clicking on a topic to prepare for or begin this guided instruction, be sure to read these helpful tips about how to get the most out of TVO Learn.

Learning Activities provide opportunity for deeper exploration of a subject. Organized by grade and topic (or strand), students should be guided through each Learning Activity by an adult. Before clicking on a topic to prepare for or begin this guided instruction, be sure to read these helpful tips about how to get the most out of TVO Learn.

Learning Activities
Almost there!

To access this learning activity, please visit this page in a desktop or tablet browser.

Resources for Learning

Chosen by TVO educators, these resources support the curriculum outlined above. Review the below list of options along with the activities. Then, read, watch, listen or play to build understanding and knowledge.

Please be aware by accessing the resources below you will be leaving TVO Learn and entering other TVO domains that are subject to different privacy policies and terms of use.

Complete the suggested activities using these resources and other TVO resources.

Apply the Learning

Choose from the following to consolidate learning across all curriculum strands.

  • Create your own definitions for 20 of the words in the vocabulary list. 

  • Write a paragraph and once you have finished, ask yourself: “What is your writing about?” and “Whom are you writing for?”  

  • Identify your point of view on a topic and then reflect on the following: “What supporting details have you included for your point of view? Would this point of view be accepted by others? Why, or why not?”

  •  How does your experience with a variety of texts help you as a writer? In what way is talking before writing helpful to you? How does it help you to listen to someone else read your writing?  

  • How does what you know about reading help you when you are writing? How does listening to or viewing different kinds of media texts help you generate ideas for writing? 

  • Select a text of your choice and then consider the following questions:  

    • How will you identify your topic?

    • What is the purpose of your writing?  

    • What form will best suit the purpose?

    • Who will your audience be? 

  • Explain which elements of a video game seem realistic and believable to you. Why is that? Did anything seem exaggerated to you? Do the characters in the video game accurately represent the diversity you see in society?  

  • On television, what characteristics are shared by positive role models? 

  • “Does reading and writing about a story after seeing the movie give you new ideas about what you saw?” 

  • Record an interview with someone where you ask them what some of their favourite things are. Use a recording device of your choice. 

  • If you were creating a photo album of your life, what are some of the pictures you would include?  


Review this list of vocabulary associated with the curriculum. Practice spelling, research definitions, and find these vocabulary words when engaging with the TVO resources or completing learning activities.

Students should understand and be able to apply these words in context.










































Looking for a Different Subject?

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